Ottawa Fire Services Camp FFIT educates girls about firefighting … – Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen Ottawa Fire Services Camp FFIT educates girls about firefighting …Ottawa CitizenTwenty four young women between the ages of 15 and 19 took part in the week-long Camp FFIT at the Ottawa Fire Services Training Centre. Throughout the …Ottawa firefighter training camp for girls extinguishing stereotypes … 2 news articles » Powered by WPeMatico

Ottawa Fire Services Camp FFIT educates girls about a career in … – Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen Ottawa Fire Services Camp FFIT educates girls about a career in …Ottawa CitizenTwenty four young women between the ages of 15 and 19 took part in the week-long Camp FFIT at the Ottawa Fire Services Training Centre. Throughout the …Ottawa firefighter training camp for girls extinguishing stereotypes … 2 news articles » Powered by WPeMatico

Ottawa Fire Services Camp FFIT educates girls about a career in firefighting – Ottawa Citizen

Ottawa Citizen Ottawa Fire Services Camp FFIT educates girls about a career in firefightingOttawa CitizenTwenty four young women between the ages of 15 and 19 took part in the week-long Camp FFIT at the Ottawa Fire Services Training Centre. Throughout the week they were educated on a career in firefighting. Participants took part in search […]

Butchers, farmers, retirees step up to ‘great demand’ of volunteer firefighting – Butchers, farmers, retirees step up to ‘great demand’ of volunteer firefightingCBC.caIt’s a rigorous recruitment process, but Hamilton’s fire department hopes you might just be up for being a volunteer firefighter. Just to be considered, prospective volunteers go through physical, medical, police, aptitude, license and reference checks … Powered by WPeMatico