June 1, 2017, Lillooet, B.C. – Cooler weather and rain in the Lillooet area has helped emergency crews make progress on a wildfire that forced homes to be put on evacuation alert. CBC News reports. | READ MORE Powered by WPeMatico
Monthly Archives: June 2017
June 1, 2017, Edson, Alta. – Residents of Edson, Alta. were being asked to continue conserving water wherever possible on Wednesday and town officials said “non-essential water services will continue to be closed this week” as water levels recover from a large downtown fire on Tuesday that destroyed a historic building. Global News reports. | […]
May 31, 2017, Watson Lake, Yukon – A new fire is burning in Yukon’s Tintina region, northeast of Watson lake. Yukon Wildland Fire Management said the 700-hectare blaze was started by a lightning strike on Monday evening. CBC News reports. | READ MORE Powered by WPeMatico